Due to POPULAR DEMAND (yes), here are the first few pages of my epic.
Maxwell's Monster
a story for childrens
Maxwell lived in a house with his mum, his dad and his sister.
It was an old house, and sometimes it made strange noises.
Bump! Bump!
"What's that noise?" asked Maxwell.
"It's the house settling," said Maxwell's mum.
"It's the water pipes," said Maxwell's dad.
"It's the bogeyman," said Maxwell's sister.
"What's a bogeyman?" asked Maxwell.
Maxwell's sister explained that the bogeyman was a monster that lived under the bed, and that you must never look at it or even think about it or it would come and get you.
That night Maxwell couldn't sleep very well, because he knew the bogeyman was waiting under his bed. He knew he shouldn't think about it, but it wasn't all that easy.

Bump! Bump!
"What's that noise?" asked Maxwell.

"What's a bogeyman?" asked Maxwell.

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